Too much to say about the man, the music, the performance & phenomenal contribution to Pop-Culture in general: "Thriller", his 1983 Motown 'Moonwalking', Guinness World Records including one for "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time", 13 Grammy Awards, over 750 million records sold worldwide, even lesser known bonkers stuff like filing an "Anti-gravity" patent to use in the "Smooth Criminal" video as well as the more recent Filipino prisoners break for exercise "Thriller" tribute (!!) (hold tight the ladyboy massive!) - just a soupçon of accolades to bestow upon 'The King Of Pop'.
MJ's legacy has created another of those unforgettable, "Where were you when....(insert DIANA, ELVIS, LENNON etc.) died?" moments; truly a sad day.
P.S. My visual tribute, this Michael Jackson Party Zone/MTV Megamix I produced for the 'HIStory' album/tour in 1995; I remember seeing Jacko @ Wembley for his 'Bad' tour round about my 1st week of working @ MTV (circa July '88) - happy daze!
P.P.S. For the mag geeks, I'm holding "Rolling Stone" magazine dated 29 April 1971 with MJ on the cover & headline 'Why does this eleven year old stay up past his bedtime?'
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